Unless you're a Snowbird, (a term used to describe the Canadian citizen who spends winters in warmer climates), you may not realize how wonderful a winter can be down in southern states. We've been fortunate enough to have spent some time down there and enjoyed every moment.
Early morning sunrise |
Most morning skies are clear but the ones with the clouds are sure to show us the beauty with the colors offered here. Sunrise comes earlier than it does at home during these winter months. This is the view from our patio.
the Fowl Family |
More patio views, and we can watch the Fowl Family, with the combination of the Canada Geese and the ducks. These are all coupled up and although they do not spend the whole winter here, they do spend lots of time enjoying the pond.
Afternoon naptime |
There is some human traffic that passes by these ones but not close enough to disturb them and they seem to be enjoying their afternoon nap. Mr. seems to be a bit further away from his Mrs. than normal, perhaps a small disagreement but all will be well after their nap.
Curious couple |
This couple are one of only two or three couples that seem to spend most of their time here. There are others who might stop by when they spot the pond but they do not stay. The Fowl Family are not fed here so as not to encourage them to stay but they seem to manage on their own.
Resting hummingbird |
Regular visitors to our patio are the hummingbirds. They get very territorial and this little one is on a regular perch just watching to make sure no one else comes to eat at his station.
Enjoying her stop |
It looks like a very big supply of sugar water compared to this little one but it does disappear
in time. A hummingbird will consume about one half of an ounce per day.
A visitor arrives |
I love to see the egret arrive and do his daily walk around the pond. He makes one or two circles around it as he searches for his food from the pond.
Fishing for dinner |
The egret dips his beak into the water to get his food, whatever it may be and I was thrilled I was able to see his 'catch' as he flips it into his mouth. Not easy to see but it is there if you look closely.
Cautiously approaching Fowl Family |
The egret is part of the heron family and stands about 1 metre (39") tall. We don't see more than one too often and never at our location but do remember seeing large flocks of them on travels over in
Savannah, Georgia. It was quite a sight to see as they perched overnight in the trees across the lake from our RV.
More food |
The egret moves calmly and respectfully around the Fowl Family on these fishing trips. One last snack before the launch happens.
He will return tomorrow |
A quiet and graceful flyover the pond as the visiting egret leaves us. His stay is no more than about 20 minutes and likely just a stop of many. While enjoying this, we also saw a flock of pelicans fly overhead, on their way to visit the larger pond in the RV park next door.
Incredible rainbow |
This is definitely not a view from our patio but a drive after some rain and this was such a delight to see! Nature's beauty can be so exciting! I may have taken too many photos of it but it just seemed to be a perfect rainbow that also highlighted the area beneath it! The second rainbow can be seen, too. We were able to see both ends of the rainbow but no pot of gold at either end. Rewards were in being able to time our travel perfectly and see this sight.